Radiant Systems External POS display P707 KOSWK10910 Radiant Systems External POS display P707 1 x Radiant Systems External POS Display - P707 - The item is new The goods are stored in non-public shipping warehouses. For multiple orders, the highest shipping costs only apply once. You will automatically receive an invoice with separately shown VAT by e-mail. You can Old batteries, which we carry or have carried as new batteries in our range, free of charge return to our shipping warehouse (shipping address). The symbols shown on the batteries have the following meaning: The symbol of the crossed-out wheeled bin means that the battery cannot be disposed of with household waste may be given. Pb = battery contains more than 0.004% lead by mass Cd = battery contains more than 0.002 percent by mass of cadmium Hg = battery contains more than 0.0005 percent by mass of mercury Radiant Systems External POS display P707 Radiant Systems External POS display P707 1 x Radiant Systems External POS Display - P707 - The goods are stored in non-public shipping warehouses. For multiple orders, the highest shipping costs only apply once. You will automatically receive an invoice with separately shown VAT by e-mail. Old batteries, which we carry or have carried as new batteries in our range, free of charge return to our shipping warehouse (shipping address). The symbols shown on the batteries The symbol of the crossed-out wheeled bin means that the battery cannot be disposed of with household waste Pb = battery contains more than 0.004% lead by mass Cd = battery contains more than 0.002 percent by mass of cadmium Hg = battery contains more than 0.0005 percent by Radiant Systems External POS display P707 Radiant Systems External POS display P707 1 x Radiant Systems External POS Display - P707 - The goods are stored in non-public shipping warehouses. For multiple orders, the highest shipping costs only apply once. You will automatically receive an invoice with separately shown VAT by e-mail. Old batteries, which we carry or have carried as new batteries in our range, free of charge return to our shipping warehouse (shipping address). The symbols shown on the batteries The symbol of the crossed-out wheeled bin means that the battery cannot be disposed of with household waste Pb = battery contains more than 0.004% lead by mass Cd = battery contains more than 0.002 percent by mass of cadmium Hg = battery contains more than 0.0005 percent by